Home » Find out all the attribution models in retargeting campaigns

Find out all the attribution models in retargeting campaigns


Making the right choice between attribution models in retargeting campaigns is essential to improving the overall number of conversions.

As smart marketers look to use multiple retargeting in their campaigns, more and more dilemmas arise. Among them, it is essential to understand the best attribution models for retargeting campaigns in order to know which ones to use.

Only in this way will you know

On detail, the exact result of the efforts invested in all channels, whether in networks, email marketing or ad blocks, among others.

But having all the necessary information at hand is essential to keep up with the multi-channel communication required today. Companies, of course, are aware of this. That’s why they are increasingly using interconnected channels to reach their target audience.

Knowing, understanding and knowing how to usa telegram phone number list use attribution models in retargeting campaigns, therefore, helps you determine how to reach your target, understand the effectiveness of your campaigns and decide what should be prioritized.

But why use multiple retargeting?
1.- It has a greater reach
2.- Greater flexibility
3.- Competitors facilitate the interpretation Find out all of results
Attribution models in retargeting campaigns
1.- First direct click
2.- Exponential decay
3.- Last interaction or last click

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4.- Last indirect click

5.- Last Adwords click
6.- Linear attribution model
7.- According effective employee newsletter: a guide with examples to the position
But why use multiple retargeting?


Let’s do a quick review.

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