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This world is yours

The most popular Dutch rapper of the moment, Gers Pardoel, who grew up in Brabant, sings the song “Spookstad ” on his successful album “Deze wereld is van jou ” . The lyrics start with the following words: “We live in a ghost town, everything you are looking for is here, but nobody knows about me, what I feel and what I see.” However, Google does know everything. Google knows what you feel, what you see and even what you think. It is not for nothing that author John Battelle call Google a  laos telegram data“database of intentions” in his book The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transform Our Culture .

Not sharing, but understanding

Google+ may still be a ghost town, but the platform itself symbolizes a fundamental contradiction in its intend role in the user’s life. Facebook’s mission is : “to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connect.” Facebook is creating an  This world is yours ecosystem that plays out on its own platform. A world of its own where everything is possible: sharing, communicating, playing games and listening to music. A world that is much more of a clos reality than the  singapore number experience that Google offers.


Google Plus is about Google understanding you. “

Google is increasingly manifesting itself as the seamless web, nestling between both   . A offline and online, on-screen and off-screen. Google+ is “the layer that falls over all your web activities”, but recent projects and projects for the future such as Google Maps, Goggles . A Project Glass and self- 5 essential tips for creating an effective online presence driving cars are also representative of this position. Google’s algorithms recognize the world around us and provide context-sensitive information.

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