Last Thursday, the blog platform Tumblr was officially launch in Dutch . Something that not only result in a nice party in the Jimmy Woo with many Dutch users of the microblogging platform, but was also an occasion for which David Karp, the founder of Tumblr, came to the Netherlands. In the famous Amsterdam café Stanislavski I ask him especially for Frankwatching about the competition from Pinterest, the interaction between creation and curation and advertisements on the platform.
From frustration to billion-dollar platform
Tumblr has been around for five years now and was born out of Karp’s personal frustration with It took a while lebanon telegram data the blogging platforms available. The young Karp (then only 21) want to start blogging, but couldn’t relate to existing blogging platforms like WordPress: “I’m not a great writer. I can just about write an email and sound a little intelligent, but I certainly didn’t want to condemn myself to spending an hour and a half every day struggling on a blog.”
Karp’s eye fell on an avant-garde blogging group call tumbleloggers, who were eschewing traditional blogging platforms and instead going back to the basics of the Internet, which, in Karp’s words, was “a blob of HTML where you could just stick things you lik at the top.” This rawer, faster approach to blogging immiately appeal to the young Karp: “I saw it and knew I
A want to have that kind of blog.”
But as his idea took on more concrete forms, so did his ambition: “ I then want to create something for singapore number Tumblelogs, similar to what the Blogger platform was for blogs.” With his first version of Tumblr, Karp turn to the original Tumbleloggers, who introduc his free blogging tool to their followers, people who were already very interest in blogging, but who until then lack the tools and knowlge to get start with it themselves. Karp’s Tumblr was welcom with open arms and grew rapidly the differences between domain name and trademark into a blogging platform that now easily reaches 17.5 billion page views a day.