Where Tumblr offer an accessible solution for the general public to reblog on different types of mia, there are now many platforms for so-call microblogging, such as the well-known Pinterest. Yet Karp does not see any competition here: “We are not trying to be better, we are just different.” And that difference is mainly in the group of creators that Karp sees as the core of Tumblr. According to Karp, Tumblr is therefore primarily a ‘publishing tool’. “There are far too few companies that are truly focus on creative people, like Adobe and Apple once were. I want to create the ultimate tool for creative expression.”
Collector blogs: curation as creative expression
However, on Tumblr, this creative expression is not only found in the group of creatives who can . Pinterest is not a place their creations online, but especially in the larger shell of so-call curators that surround it and can in turn use these creations to create their personal vision of things, malaysia telegram data which allows collector blogs on various subjects to emerge, such as the well-known tumblr ‘ Kim-Jung Il Looking at things ‘ or its Dutch variant ‘ Rutte lacht om iets ‘.
While Karp describes the interplay between creators and curators as Tumblr’s defining characteristic, he himself singapore number was pleasantly surpris by it: “It’s amazing, but I can’t take any crit for it.
“One reblog is worth more than 200 empty likes”
Although – in the words of Vrij Nerland journalist Tim de Gier , also owner of 9 Tumblrs – most people on how much does a domain name cost? Tumblr blog ‘messily, without rules or structures’, there can inde be add creative value in reblogging things. According to de Gier, it is important that content is add in the reblogging process. “It means much more to me when someone reblogs something of mine with a good argument, than when I get 200 empty likes.”