Former Tumblr itor Sjoerd Los shows in his presentation at the launch evening that such add value does not necessarily have to be in adding information, but can also be in creating a new vision of things. On his Tumblr, where he has already post more than 20,000 posts in 2 years, he lets different visual mia enter into a dialogue with each other by placing them together in an ever-shifting combination of three works.
A Los realiz that you can also call such a process creative. “The value, the signature of the curator is in his Tumblr concept and flow. That is why I find it less bad when someone reblogs something from my page without giving crit for it, than when someone does not give crit to the original creator of that work.”
Tumblr’s Native Curation Tools: Radar & Storyboard
Tumblr believes that such curators are essential to achieving depth in the curation process. To increase this depth, the platform mexico telegram data has also creat itorial curation tools, such as the Tumblr Radar , for which an itorial team scours Tumblr for the most notable posts, or the newest tool Storyboard , in which Tumblr curates the curators by providing background and context on certain Tumblr blogs, such as those from the New York Times archive .
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Doesn’t this make Tumblr the ‘ultimate curator’ itself? Not if Karp has his way. He is quick to point out that Storyboard is ‘just another blog’, which should have the same value as all the other Tumblrs. Master blogger Ernst-Jan Pfauth , who owns two Tumblrs himself , agrees. “In order to get beyond the Fuck Yeah reblog memes , the goldmines that lie deep within Tumblr ne to be dug up. In this way, Tumblr’s itorial curation tools can actually add value instead of disrupting the natural curation process of its users.”
Advertisements also have creative add value
Not only has Tumblr made Storyboard available as a new feature, but it has also recently . As a creative open its doors to advertisers. In the stream of Tumblr Radar, where popular posts and images from Tumblr are display, it should now also be possible to place ads. Something that is of course not singapore number entirely without controversy in a community that is suppos to revolve around creativity and personal expression.
As a movie trailer addict, Karp believes that clever, creative ads can be a valuable addition to the blogging create your phpbb forum in 3 quick and easy steps platform. He gives the example of the movie “The Hunger Games,” which, as part of its promotion, creat a fashion Tumblr dicat to the world of the Hunger .