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Consumers want treatment that makes them happy

Many companies still have the question: ‘what should we do with social mia?’ The ‘always-on’ consumer has long since taken a step further. He spends more than 20% of his time online on social mia, which is more than he spends on the phone, e-mail, sports and only slightly less than he spends shopping. We also see that almost all online consumers are active on social mia ( Forrester, 2011 ). Social mia seems to be saturat. What is the next step for companies in the social mia era?

From social mia to social business

The history of the Internet helps us prict what the future holds. David Armano, 2012 illustrates this visually well. About ten years ago,

Social business

At the moment we are still in the social mia era where, regardless of time or place, everyone is ‘link’ to each new zealand telegram data  other. Many companies use social mia on a tactical marketing level with the aim of achieving more reach and branding. They create the most beautiful campaigns, see the Spin Awards 2012 for an overview . However, they often fail to really add value for their consumers, employees and partners. Reasons for this are the lack of knowlge of social mia and the unwillingness of companies to invest, because the financial impact of social mia is unclear (source: McKinsey Quarterly, 2012 ).

Companies are missing out on many opportunities

Research by InSites Consulting shows that many companies are not yet investing in using Consumers want  ‘social’ create your custom web pages with divi builder  (mia) more broadly within the organization, while there are many opportunities for companies to meet the ‘social’ nes of stakeholders. A but most companies are focus on following processes, structures and budgets.
Consumers have an increasing ne for service, but companies often see customer service as a cost item singapore number that can be sav.
Consumers want to see proof, but companies spend a lot of money on advertising that makes promises.
Consumers demand human treatment, but many companies communicate impersonally.
Employees are proud and want to talk about their work, but this is often forbidden by the employer.
Social mia are very capable of facilitating the above opportunities.

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