The fact that support for the Spring Agreement, which was still being prais in April, is decreasing rapidly, is reflect in the sentiment scores in May: the difference between the percentage of positive and negative tweets. Sentiment among voters for the caretaker coalition decreas. The CDA peak due to the leadership elections in weeks 19 and 20, with the high positive sentiment of newcomer Mona Keijzer being particularly striking (20% against 8% for Van Haersma Buma). Sentiment for the liberals is also decreasing and even goes into the r in the last week of May. The negative sentiment is caus by dissatisfaction among the supporters about the Spring Agreement and the criticism of Hans Wiegel. On 29 May, the party luminary call the
Spring Agreement a major strategic error in the AD .
The prevailing negative sentiment among dissatisfi PVV voters that we saw in the first Twitter Monitor remains constant in May. The russia telegram data large increase in sentiment at D66 in week 22 can be explain by one topic: in a motion by D66 MP Verhoeven, the controversial ACTA treaty for restricting internet freom is successfully shot down. At the opposition party SP, there is an upward trend in sentiment in May.
Semantic analysis
Using words that people use daily and that reflect important aspects of their experience and emotions, we have made a create a site with the ai assistant that comes to sitebuilder pro semantic analysis of the 300,000 collect tweets. We have divid these into ten clusters/themes with similar keywords. A new cluster is ‘Europe’, 0. Europe, Brussels, EU, ESM, EFSM occur in tweets.
In order to be able to observe trends, we have divid all tweets into 2 periods, the first and second half . I which we have singapore number of the month. And in order to be able to make a comparison with the Twitter Monitor of April, we have maintain this division .